Conduct inspections in accordance with the inspection order of
the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) or
the Commissioner of the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA)
Inspect Public Procurement Service (PPS) specialized agencies
Conduct inspections for the registration of companies on the PPS
Korea ON-Line E-Procurement System
Test feeds
Testing facilitation business
Provide education and training for individuals involved in testing-related duties
Sign contracts for the use of testing facilities by importing companies and manufacturers of animal drugs
Participate in various capability assessments of testing agencies
B. Research Business
Animal drug related research business
Document joint research on the re-evaluation of medicinal effects
Participate in development and study on testing methods of animal drugs
Participate in development and study on the surveys and evaluations
of quarantining livestock farms
Participate in businesses contracted out to the private sector,
such as the collection and inspection of animal drugs
Execute research tasks and supportive duties
Create conditions to strengthen government support for R&D in the animal drug industry
Participate in the R&D Task Force providing mid to long-term development measures for the animal drug industry
C. General Testing
Education and Promotion Businesses
Provide education on testing and inspection of animal drugs, etc., to relevant personnel
Research institute computerized program maintenance
Enhance the convenience of civil petitioners by maintaining a stable quality management system and offering text message alert services